Compare different car brands, find a better servicing company and check out where you should be refueling your vehicle – all based on our latest customer satisfaction ratings.
Best-Rated Car Servicing - March 12th
How many service stations are there in New Zealand? How many of the ones near you have cheap fuel?
– Read moreService Stations - March 11th
There are a number of fuel types available at most fuel stations. So what are they and what’s best for your car?
– Read moreBest-rated Hire Cars - February 15th
Who can hire a rental car?
If you wan tto hire a rental car in New Zealand, you must be at least 21 years old and have held your licence for over a year.
Despite the minimum …
– Read moreBest-rated Electricity Providers - August 2nd
Confronted with high prices at the pump, you may find yourself tuning into the growing buzz around electric cars. After all, how much could it cost to charge a battery?
Against this backdrop, the electric car/electric …
– Read moreVehicles - December 20th
Kiwis love cars. In fact, we’re not far from having a car for every person in the country, regardless of if they can actually drive or not! So while we may be famous for having …
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