Powershop Review
Powershop is an online-operated power company, offering flexible payment options, and a suite of website and mobile tools to help customers monitor their energy usage and potentially save money. Powershop has been around since 2009, and is part of Meridian Energy, which, in turn, is the country’s biggest power generator and majority-owned by the government.
What does Powershop offer?
Powershop power works a little differently from other power companies. Powershops online shop sells power packs, where you can buy a range of special discounted packs of power.
The different packs on offer include:
Staying Power: a super-discounted special pack that is available once a month. The Staying Power discount starts off at 20% in your first year then increases by 1% each year you stay with Powershop, to a maximum of 25%.
Regular Specials: Available for a limited time each month. The Staying Power and the limited-time specials together contribute to your Special Rates.
Future Packs: Allow you to squirrel away power for the months to come. The further out you buy Future Packs, the bigger the discount. Buy six months ahead to save the maximum 10% against your Standard Rate for the month.
Fixed-price Value Packs: Have the smallest discount out of all the special packs, but come in a range of sizes.
Top-Up Packs: Allow you to buy a specific amount of power (to the nearest whole $) at your Standard Power rate, with no discount.
Standard Power Top-up Packs: Power priced at your standard rate.
Don’t worry if you’ve not bought enough Powerpacks in advance. If your electricity usage exceeds what you have pre-purchased, Powershop will charge your account using your preferred payment method. You will not be cut off simply because you have consumed all your Powerpacks.
Powershop rates
Similar to other power companies, Powershop prices include a daily fixed charge and an additional charge for every kilowatt of electricity you use. These Powershop charges differ depending on your location, the amount of power you use throughout the year, and what time of the day you use the power. However, you can get an idea of how much it could cost to switch to Powershop by using Powershop’s online power calculator for an estimated price.
Solar power
If you’re considering solar panels, Powershop has a feature that may help you make up your mind: a buy-back rate that is currently 13 cents per kilowatt-hour exported.
Powershop switch your mates
The Powershop Switch Your Mates referral program gives you $100 power credit every time you get one of your mates to switch power companies to Powershop. Each mate you refer will also get $150 free power. However, you do need to make sure your mate signs up with a referral link you share with them or you will not be eligible for the free power.
Customer service
Powershop’s Help centre on its website provides an easy-to-navigate and comprehensive amount of information to cover most queries. Its blog also provides regular power guides and articles, covering everything from electricity market updates to tips and tricks for saving power.
If you want to get in touch with a real human, you can easily live chat with the New Zealand-based team from the Powershop website.
Account management
Powershop has always remained at the frontier of electricity retail innovation. It offers an array of digital tools that are designed to make its service convenient, flexible and transparent. You can use the Powershop online store, mobile app or web portal to:
- Buy Powerpacks
- Use the Power Organiser to calculate how many days your Powerpacks might last
- Monitor daily energy consumption
- Check your account balance
- Keep records of previous energy usage
- View your daily usage in half-hour differences.
- Get first dibs on new specials that come in, by being notified of them as soon as they are available.
- Save power by adjusting your power usage according to the peaks and troughs in your daily insights.
Note: Details are correct at June 17, 2024.